As we strive for a better youth force that is equipped with the knowledge necessary for the future we invite you to an event that our young scientists and innovate will showcase as they battle for the best intellectually educated in the District among High School youths.

  • Date:03/11/2017 09:00
  • Location Petauke Boarding Secondary School, Petauke - Eastern Province, Zambia (Map)


We are reaching out to invite you to our District Science Fair Competition to be held at Petauke Boarding Secondary School in Peatuke District of Eastern Province of Zambia as we commemorate National Youth-Day 2017 with the theme: UNITY AND INNOVATION FOR A SMART ZAMBIA that resonates well with how we believe the youth of our age must be educated. And it is in this vain that we have organised a District Science Fair Competition for that very purpose.

The competition shall comprise of a session of a Quiz and later presentation of Science projects. The five best participants will receive certificates of recognition and other awards, two from the Quiz and two from the project presentations. Categories for the Quiz are Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. As for the science projects any category that is aimed at solving community hardships through science and innovation.

Venue: Petauke Boarding Secondary School

Date: 11th March 2017

Time: 09:00 hrs to 12:30 hrs

Who to participate: Learner representatives from schools in Petauke District